simple and compound interest problems | simple interest aptitude questions | simple interest problems | compound interest questions | simple interest and compound interest | simple and compound interest aptitude | simple interest examples Hi friends, In this post we are about to learn how to calculate simple interest and compound interest problems with some short tricks. In exams we don't have time to calculate on paper with formulas. we have to it in mind so quickly because Every second matter in examination hall. Now, here are some shortcut tricks for Simple Interest (S.I) and Compound interest (C.I.) with these i think you sure have some help in these chapter lets first thing to do is learn some PERCENTAGE basic. SIMPLE INTEREST we have using these BASIC formulas S.I. = PxRxT / 100 BUT there are some example how these shortcut tricks that FOR ALL CHAPTER WISE MATHS SHORTCUT TRICK CLICK HERE Type 1. In how many years will a sum of money double it...
a blog where you can find all quantitative aptitude tricks, profit and loss attitude question, percentage aptitude tricks, ratio aptitude tricks, square root tricks for shortcut methods, work and time aptitude tricks, speed and distance aptitude tricks, cube root short tricks for competitive exams.